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Investor Resources

Access information on Service Stream's financial performance, share price, dividend history, reports, presentations and upcoming events
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Investor Resources


    ASX Announcements

    Date Announcement

    Dividend Information

    Learn more about the dividends we pay to our shareholders, including information on our Dividend Reinvestment Plan
    Ex-date Record date Payment date Rate / Share Type
    13-Mar-15 17-Mar-15 16-Apr-15 0.5c FY15 Interim
    04-Sep-15 17-Mar-15 08-Oct-15 1.0c FY15 Final
    16-Mar-16 17-Mar-16 14-Apr-16 1.0c FY16 Interim
    14-Sep-16 15-Sep-16 29-Sep-16 1.5c FY16 Final
    15-Mar-17 16-Mar-17 13-Apr-17 1.5c FY17 Interim
    13-Sep-17 14-Sep-17 28-Sep-17 3.0c FY17 Final
    14-Mar-18 15-Mar-18 29-Mar-18 3.0c FY18 Interim
    12-Sep-18 13-Feb-18 27-Sep-18 4.5c FY18 Final
    06-Mar-19 07-Mar-19 21-Mar-19 3.5c FY19 Interim
    17-Sep-19 18-Sep-19 02-Oct-19 5.5c FY19 Final
    04-Mar-20 05-Mar-20 19-Mar-20 4.0c FY20 Interim
    15-Sep-20 16-Sep-20 1-Oct-20 5.0c FY20 Final
    25-Mar-21 26-Mar-21 14-Apr-21 2.5c FY21 Interim
    19-Sep-22 20-Sep-22 05-Oct-22 1.0c FY22 Final
    22-Mar-23 23-Mar-23 06-Apr-23 0.5c FY23 Interim
    19-Sep-23 20-Sep-23 05-Oct-23 1.0c FY23 Final
    21-Mar-24 22-Mar-24 05-Apr-24 2.0c FY24 Interim
    18-Sep-24 19-Sep-24 04-Oct-24 2.5c FY24 Final

    Dividend reinvestment options

    Service Stream announced the introduction of its new Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRP) on the 6 February 2019. The DRP is open to shareholders who have a registered address in Australian and New Zealand as at the record date for the relevant dividend. The DRP allows eligible shareholders to reinvest either all or part of their dividend in additional fully paid ordinary shares in Service Stream Ltd, instead of receiving the dividend in cash.

    If you wish to participate in the DRP, please log into the Computershare investor center or call 1300 850 505

    Contact us

    We’re always happy to hear from you! If you have any questions or need more information, simply send us a message using the contact form, and we’ll get back to you shortly.